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Showing posts from May, 2023

Unsolved Serial Killers STILL AT LARGE TODAY

  The Long Island Serial Killer This monster has been active since 1996. Targeting sex workers that he finds online (eight of the victims used Craigslist to advertise their services). This killer has managed to bemuse law enforcement with an array of diverse victims.  The Smiley Face Killers  45 young males across America drowned in 20 years across 11 different states and while this may sound like an unfortunate statistic, law enforcement believes that the drownings are the work of a group of serial killers, abducting men and giving the impression of drowning.  West Mesa Murders  In the American state of New Mexico between 2001 and 2005 - eleven women were murdered and buried in an arroyo bank. The bodies were not discovered until 2009. The majority of victims were in the sex and drug industry. Once again showing the inherent dangers to vulnerable women in society. They are also known as the West Mesa Bone Collector.  The Texas Killing Fields  Over 30 bodies were found stretching back

Tara Calico Documentary - TRUE CRIME CHANNEL



  The Missing Girl and the Polaroid  Tara Calico’s disappearance is an oddity, to say the least. Thirty-five years since the 19-year-old disappeared in New Mexico, a polaroid found in Florida could be the answer to the mystery.  Tara went missing while on a bike ride on the 20th of September 1988. It was the same route on New Mexico State Road that she took every day. The same sunny stretch of road that she had been riding for years.  As Tara left the house, she jokingly told her mother that she should come looking for her if  Tara didn’t return by noon.  At noon, Tara never came home.  No one witnessed the abduction, although several witnesses observed a 1953 Ford pickup with a camper shell following closely behind Tara on her bike.  It seemed like Tara was abducted in broad daylight and nobody was even around to see it…  When Tara did not return home, Tara’s mother promptly notified the police and the local community began campaigning and searching for Tara’s return. There was no sig

Art Takeaways

18th March 1990 — Boston, New England In the early 90s, the renowned art museum  the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum  was targeted in an audacious theft to rival anything Hollywood can conjure up. Two thieves managed to gain entry to the museum by posing as police officers and make off with a haul valued at $500 million including Rembrandt’s masterpiece  The Storm on the Sea of Galilee. To date, it is not only the most notorious art theft on record but it is also unsolved and has a staggering reward in the millions for information that will lead to recovering some of the greatest works of art in the last millennia (and in human history). The thieves posing as police were inside the museum for a total of eighty-one minutes and yet nabbed some of the most famous works of art and ‘successfully’ carried out arguably the largest robbery in history. The thieves took works belonging to Rembrandt, Degas, Manet and Flinck — names synonymous with ‘art’ and ‘mastery’. But was the robbery itself a

Valentine's Day Murder - Raped & Murdered In Her Own Home

  Jodine Serrin - 14th February 2007.  It was a brutal case of rape and murder of a young woman with her own vulnerabilities. What made the case even stranger is that Jodine’s parents had been there and walked in at the time of the attack, unbeknownst to them that their daughter was dead. The case went unsolved for a decad e  but we now know who the killer is thanks to DNA advances and the detective’s efforts — but we still don’t know why and we’ll never know how. The mystery ceases to be a whodunit but mysteries remain and some answers will never be obtained by the living. Jodine was a vulnerable woman with disabilities with some reports stating schizophrenia and learning difficulties — however, she was also self-sufficient and independent enough and had her own apartment, and her own active life, including a busy social life. Jodine was 39 years of age in 2007 when she died. She lived in the American town of Carlsbad California. And despite her troubles, she was a credit to her paren

Amy Fitzpatrick: A Lost Irish Girl

Amy Fitzpatrick: A Lost Irish Girl This case is subject to a lot of hearsay and potential misinformation. While I attempt to be factual in what I report, contradictory information is presented from different sources. I also intend to avoid any slanderous or potentially libellous comments on the living parties involved by avoiding commenting directly on whatever my opinions may be but rather supposing hypothetical theories based on the information.  If you have any questions, email me at   Ultimately, I do this, because I want to make a difference in the case and hopefully alert somebody to a case - that may lead to discovery.  My thoughts on making this video are 100% with Amy's.   This story is certainly eye-opening, particularly the events after Amy Fitzpatrick vanished.  But let’s not forget that it involves the disappearance of a teenage girl. A girl that would now be in her early thirties and the world has been robbed of Amy. I hope that we can re