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Amy Fitzpatrick: A Lost Irish Girl

Amy Fitzpatrick: A Lost Irish Girl

This case is subject to a lot of hearsay and potential misinformation. While I attempt to be factual in what I report, contradictory information is presented from different sources. I also intend to avoid any slanderous or potentially libellous comments on the living parties involved by avoiding commenting directly on whatever my opinions may be but rather supposing hypothetical theories based on the information. 

If you have any questions, email me at 

Ultimately, I do this, because I want to make a difference in the case and hopefully alert somebody to a case - that may lead to discovery. 

My thoughts on making this video are 100% with Amy's.  

This story is certainly eye-opening, particularly the events after Amy Fitzpatrick vanished. 

But let’s not forget that it involves the disappearance of a teenage girl. A girl that would now be in her early thirties and the world has been robbed of Amy. I hope that we can reignite interest in finding her and spread the message outside of Ireland. 

Amy was 15 when she went missing, she would be 30 this year. The chunk of her life that is unexplained is horrifying. I hope that she’s out there - but it seems unlikely with every passing year. 

The story started for Amy in Dublin, the Republic of Ireland. 

Amy lived with her mother Audrey Donoghue. Audrey had met Dave Mahon. There was tension in the family between Amy and her stepfather, but this is pretty common, unfortunately. Amy’s brother was Dean. 

Dean would later die at the age of just 23. 

At face value, they appeared to be an average family with a happy life in Ireland. But when a business opportunity took Dave to Malaga (selling real estate amongst other British/Irish ex-pats it fell apart drastically. 

It is worth noting that Amy was told that the trip to Spain was a holiday - which was implausible given that Amy ended up living there for four years... 

Amongst this coastal paradise is where the family tragedy began. 

Amy hated Malaga. She kept a diary and constantly wrote about how much she despised living in Spain. She felt isolated and alone. She lived in a community of other ex-pats (Irish and British), which is common to the region, and Amy reportedly tried to stay away from home as much as she possibly could. 

She described her mother’s boyfriend in her diary as “creepy.”

As we can see from one of Amy’s diary entries, there was accusatory behaviour towards her parents (vague accusations of neglect) and an underlying feeling of animosity towards her family.  

I smell dog shit, and I haven't had a shower in two years and I moved into my new house 2 days [sic] and it’s quite small and it's not been painted and I am hoping to paint my cardboard box soon…. [About David Mahon] He makes my skin crawl… 

Audrey (Amy’s mother) has refuted claims that Amy had a difficult or abusive home life and dismissed any allegation of neglect (which is something that was greatly highlighted by Amy’s friends and the Irish media). Audrey was accused of drinking excessively and smoking marijuana around her family. Audrey pointed out that Amy was subject to bullying at school - and this was playing a destructive role in Amy’s psyche. 

One of the other mothers in Spain contacted the Irish Embassy in 2005 to warn about Audrey’s parenting and called the woman “a headcase”. 

Amy had been pleading with her mother that she wanted to return to Ireland and live with her father. 


Amy was last seen at her friend Ashley Rose’s house which is in Riviera del Sol, Spain. This was on NEW YEAR’S DAY 2008. Amy had been staying with Ashley Rose several times and said that she did not want to return home. Amy kept asking to stay over each extra day. 

They had been babysitting Ashley Rose’s younger brother. Ashley Rose told Amy that her parents were hesitant to let her stay over another night because she had already stayed a few days on the bounce, and Amy left Ashley Rose’s house to go home at 10 pm - quite late for a teenage girl to be walking alone. She vanished on the dirt path on the way to her family. 

The family didn’t notice Amy’s disappearance and thus, didn’t report to the police for another 36-72 hours afterwards (reports vary). 

Audrey Fitzpatrick quoted: 

She left at around ten o’clock. She was planning to stay another night at her friend’s house, and it was a thing. So, when she didn’t come home the following day. 

I want to think she’s run away… and it’s blown out of proportion now… 

Audrey and David insisted that Amy never came home, however, there is evidence that contradicts this. 

Amy’s mobile phone was found at her family’s apartment after her disappearance. 

Audrey and David said that Amy left the mobile phone at home. Ashley Rose has countered this point - she distinctly remembers Amy pulling her mobile phone from her pocket when they were chatting, and Ashley Rose has asked Irish Police (known as the Gardai) to investigate the phone issue further. 

In August 2008, seven months after Amy’s disappearance - Audrey and Dave’s lawyer Juan had his home burglarized. 

The intruder stole Amy’s phone, a laptop and case-related information surrounding the Amy Fitzpatrick case. It could be a coincidence that the theft just took whatever was there or there could be a reason he specifically took Amy-related data. 

In 2009, Audrey alleged that she took a call and that a man with a heavy “African” accent told her that Amy had been abducted and was being held in Madrid. The man demanded half a million euros in ransom. The police investigated the call and the idea of a ransom, but very little concrete emerged, and it was very possibly just a hoax, albeit - a very very cruel hoax. 

The Costa Del Sol, where Amy disappeared, is an extremely popular area for British & Irish expatriates and has a reputation for housing the organized crime elements from this country, bearing the nickname “The Costa Del Crime”. There are seedy elements in the area where Amy vanished. 

One theory is that a famous Irish gangster took Amy. He was known around the area of Malaga and reportedly, was seen with Amy before she vanished. His name was Eric “Lucky” Wilson. Lucky is currently serving time for a gangland slaying that took place in a packed bar. 

Witnesses reported seeing Amy in the company of a blonde woman at the Trafalgar Bar in town. This was after leaving Ashley Rose’s house. Amy was, of course, below the drinking age and looked very young too. So, it’s interesting to note whatever she was doing there (if she was in there) and who was the blonde woman she was talking to. 

The Spanish are known (in that area at least) to be very lax about drinking age enforcement and the local bars are usually extremely busy at night (particularly on New Year’s) - perhaps it was Amy or a lookalike? 

Spanish Police did not believe that Amy ran away. Despite her unhappiness, there is no indication that Amy fled, given that she left her possessions back at the family house (she also had no money to her name). Amy spoke only English. She did not speak Spanish, which could have been an obstacle once she got more inland. 

Although, as we mentioned, it was a very “British” area with many English speakers and Amy had many British and Irish friends around Malaga. 

The pain and memories were too much for Audrey and she returned to Ireland in 2009. She suffered a lot of grief and her mental health had taken a toll. She continued efforts to find Amy from Ireland. She wrote a book and was featured on many news channels in the UK and her homeland Ireland. She was rigorous in her pursuit of Amy during that time and garnered fame, both positive fame and negative feedback - on her parenting before losing Amy. 

Audrey’s other son Dean (Amy’s brother) would eventually die at the hands of David Mahon. This horrific incident occurred in 2013. 

Initially, they had a steaming argument at the gym over Dave’s water bottle being taken from the exercise bike that David was using. 

Continuing the argument at home, David stabbed Dean to death. 

David had claimed that Dean went into the knife during the argument, but the stab was quite severe going right through the stomach. 

David had also fled the scene and didn’t call for help after Dean was stabbed. 

David tried to argue that Dean tried to kill himself by lunging into the knife and that he was suicidal (and his death was not a murder but a suicide). 

There’s speculation that Dean had been speaking a lot about Amy leading up to his death. This has led to the rumours that Dean’s killing was to silence him - which we cannot know for definite. 

Dean was just twenty-three when he died. Amy was fifteen when she vanished.

Both incidents are a tragedy. 

And every mother’s worst nightmare. 

David served just five years for manslaughter and later married (you heard that right) Audrey - Audrey now has the burden of losing two children, one at the hands of her husband. 

They now live in Carrick-on-Sharon in County Leitrim. 

They both seem to have laid low since David was released and Audrey has come to terms with Amy’s vanishing and wanting to move on, she no longer campaigns for Amy’s discovery. Reports are that she just wants to get on with her life. 

Amy’s father, however, is extremely active in the investigation to this day. He’s currently petitioning the EU to review the case. 

The Spanish police have closed their books on the case and deemed the mystery “cold.”

Amy’s aunty has said: 

We have had numerous protests… handed in petitions to the Government. This was an Irish child who went missing overseas but the [Irish] Government did nothing. 

We can look at the step-dad (or more precisely, their mother’s boyfriend) and some of the allegations thrown at him and behaviours that he has shown, including responsibility for Dean’s death. But there is nothing concrete to suggest he had anything to do with Amy. There was obvious animosity between them, a failure to respond to Amy’s disappearance and potential dishonesty surrounding Amy’s phone. But never has anything substantial come to light about David Mahon. 

There’s scant information about what happened to Amy, and I wish I could report more - we’ve had more than enough time to gather more information. The Spanish and Irish Police dropped the ball here. 

Audrey has suffered a great deal. And the family have seemingly decayed since their move to Spain, where everything seems to have gone wrong. Amy would now be entering her thirties and a far cry from the troubled teen that just upped and vanished from the face of the Earth. 

Can we renew interest in this fourteen-year-old case and help find Amy?


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