This case is a tragic story about a scorned mother who decided to take drastic and horrific steps to punish her husband, but there is a strange subplot about a Reddit post and how the internet got caught up in one of those most disgusting crimes imaginable. In 2016 Jason posted on Reddit looking for advice - he did this under the username u/Jasoninhell. He went to the relationship advice subreddit, to seek solace and help for a case of his wife Brandi cheating on Jason with their neighbour. Jason described in detail that he discovered the affair with the neighbour and had a confrontation with both his wife Brandi and the neighbour - but ultimately made the decision that he felt was best for their kids, to stick with his cheating wife. The situation became worse for Jason because his wife used Jason’s previous suicide attempt against him, suggesting that this would be leverage for her that Jason is unfit to care for the kids. Brandi’s vindictive nature came ...
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